Enregistré le 13/09/2010
Messages: 335
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Ajouté le : 02/11/2010 17:01
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dans le fichier rar il y a un .txt il explique ce qui modifie dans le fichier config du jeux
// +---------------------------------------------------------+ //
// ¦ Electronic Sports League GUI ¦ //
// ¦ ¦ //
// ¦ by r99t (http://www.esl.eu/player/r99t/) ¦ //
// ¦ ¦ //
// ¦ VERSION: 2.11.2 ¦ //
// +---------------------------------------------------------+ //
Important infos:
- This GUI uses the following net settings (changeable in autoexec.cfg):
rate 100000
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp_all 0
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
net_maxfragments 1260
fps_max 300
- This GUI uses the following client settings:
cl_pitchspeed 225
cl_yawspeed 210
- NOTE: If you were playing in a server with sv_pure (http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Pure_Servers) set to 1 or 2, some graphical improvements will be disabled.
(background/ESL logo, banners, sprays a.s.o.)
If have any questions/problems/suggestions, please feel free to contact Samwise Gamgee at the Shire! He's certainly still there. If not, i really don't care, anyway!
INsane - insane@dodbits.com - http://www.dodbits.com - thx for your idea!
Martek - thank you very much for helping me out with some coding solutions (immensely ;D)!
n1QuE - thank you very much for helping me out with some gfx!
Luzifear - for the proper net settings. You'd have your credits as well!
Wusa - we live and learn - thanks for the VTFEdit hint!
[+] added [-] deleted [*] updated/fixed [N] notification [C] changed
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.11.2:
[*] - changed the value of net_maxfragments from 1400 to 1260, which is the new max (thanks to doNmartinez for the report)
[*] - fixed a indication error in the scoreboard header (only on 640x480 & 800x600) (thanks to doNmartinez for the report - hope it's okay like that!)
[-] - disabled the teammenu functionality to record demos via that menu. VALVe screwed that, too. We contacted VALVe 'bout that.
For that time it will remain like this: http://uppix.net/b/9/e/295142002d6038d8ea7c21a40374d.png
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.11.1:
[*] - engine update related fixes
[*] - new background
[*] - new style
It aint perfect yet, but I'm working on it (someday).
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.7:
[*] - some minor but important changes
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.6:
[+] - added ESL spray & teaser in options menu
[+] - added ESL icon to menu windows & console
[+] - added ServerPureMode (sv_pure) and ServerPhysicsMode (sv_turbophysics) options to listen server
[-] - removed EPS spray & teaser
[*] - some minor changes & fixes
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.5:
[*] - minor changes to the background, spraylogo, banner & menu logo. screw mat_picmip 2!
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.4:
[*] - fixed a minor bug on a 'Loading' screen
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.3:
[+] - enhanced backup functionality
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.2:
[*] - fixed some minor "bugs"
[+] - Option/Check box to download the map de_contra on installer's 'FinishPage'
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.10.1:
[+] - proper installer added
[+] - ESL CS:S Registry Tool (stand-alone) added
[*] - updated some GUI files
[-] - CS:S Registry Tool removed
[-] - ColorSchemeChanger removed
[-] - AeqCheckFix removed
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.05.5:
[-] - SteamFolderFinder don't work properly -> removed
[-] - Backup functionality don't work properly -> removed
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.05.4:
[N] - internal build for testing purposes
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.05.3:
[N] - internal build for testing purposes
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.05.2:
[-] - SteamFolderFinder don't work properly - removed
[-] - Backup functionality don't work properly (o_O) - removed
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.05:
[*] - SteamFolderFinder now also works with Windows XP and w7
[*] - Ingame menu - visual improvements - some colored stuff
[*] - Ingame desktop - some changed colors
[*] - bk_act.lst -> it's now possible to buy ak47 and m4a1 separately (mTw|dav1d)
[N] - you can choose between 3 color Schemes - CT (blue), T (red) & Specs (grey)
[+] - added some important links to the start menu (f.e.: open matches, my aequitas password, user FAQ etc.pp)
[+] - added a ColorSchemeChanger to change the color scheme. (u can find a link in the start menu)
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.04:
[N] - internal build for testing purposes
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.03:
[*] - Installer now works on systems with windows xp too (again)
[*] - this readme!
[+] - autoexec.cfg - you can change your netsettings in this file
[-] - +for 'rate' so u can't get kicked for 'highrate' at FFA servers (x_X kicked because of a 'highrate' WTF?)
Electronic Sports League GUI 2.02:
[+] - new background (thx to kaputt)
[+] - new option-menu (have a look at the options!)
[*] - an installer/uninstaller with backup/restore-function
[C] - name from EPS-GUI to ESL-GUI (one GUI for all the players)
[C] - switch the languages from german to english
C'est une grande folie que de vouloir être sage tout seul.