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Enregistré le 10/11/2006
Messages: 2187
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Ajouté le : 02/07/2011 10:21
Message :

Depuis plusieurs jours, notre FRAGADA adoré n'avait plus de MANI ADMIN PLUGIN à cause de la dernière mise à jour de Valve...

Le message sur :

Ok, this is a status information update about what is going on. We're very sorry for the long time it took us to respond on the latest update to the Source Engine supplied by Valve. The update arrived at a bad time for us. Keeper wasn't available and basicly cut off from the internet, so he was unable to download the latest upate to work on a fix for 1.2. We're very sorry that we weren't able to inform you sooner on this issue and want to appologize.

Now the good news. We're working on a fix. It's pretty much done. And it will be released in about 3 days maximum. We also want to say thank you to the persons that submitted 3rd party fixes. It is great to see that there are people in the community of Mani Admin Plug-in that are willing to support us and the fans of Mani Admin Plug-in :-)

Sept heures après ce message, un patch était sorti. Le voilà installé sur FRAGADA. Tout fonctionne à nouveau

Have Team, have Fun, have Frags! JRLNGP.
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