Enregistré le 10/11/2006
Messages: 2187
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Sujet : Pétition international contre la MAJ !
Ajouté le : 24/06/2010 14:25
Message :
Mouahahahaa, voilà qui devait arriver, une pétition contre la mise à jour d'hier pour Counter-Strike:Source :
To: Gaming Community
I, Xiatrix, will represent the Counter Strike Source players as I make this petition to get CSS the way it once was!
Let me present the facts.
1 - The removed Minigames, Jailbreak, and our custom content that we loved so dearly!
2 - They removed the awesome ragdoll, and replaced it with an animation of the model getting down with his hands on his head. WTF????
3 - They put the maximum Tickrate to 66. No more smooth gameplay.
4 - They removed Lua, so that hackers alike cannot anymore have fun with the game. For this statement, you will tell me that "Hackers are Bad." Not all hackers are bad! Most hackers simply want to have fun writing scripts and using them. Who is Valve to take that right away from them?
We need you to sign this petition, and get your friends to sign it! Let Valve know that the gamers want better than what they've given us! THEY WANT THEIR GAME BACK!
The Undersigned
À vrai dire, le coeur du jeu n'est pas vraiment modifié, juste l'habillage autour et beaucoup d'éléments sont désactivables sur les serveurs (comme les stats). Si les maps offiicielles ont été refaites, les maps customs fonctionnent encore. Donc cela légitime-t-il de signer la pétition ?
Pour l'instant, le seul point scandaleux est le passage obligé en ticrate 66. Votre avis ?

*** Message édité par JeanReveLaNuit le 24/06/2010 15:32 ***
Have Team, have Fun, have Frags! JRLNG P.